A downloadable game

ENGLAND, 1647. As witch-trials ravage the kingdom, a group of thugs assaults a school for the magically gifted.


House of Malfeasance is a competetive stealth game. The Hunters can attack at-will with their swords, and are able to extinguish their lamp to set an ambush in complete darkness. The witches have powerful magic that can kill instantly at long range, but they are defenceless after casting as their power regenerates. The witches' magic wands also have the drawback that they always emit light, whether it's convenient or not.

Submission for Core's Arenas of Combat game jam.

--- Attributions ---

This game contains edited versions of the following community content:

- Bookshelf by Yeetodeleeto

- Bookshelf and filing cabinet by Bigglebuns

- Destructible Glass Window by Bigglebuns

- Spectator Camera by StandardCombo

- Fexel’s Everyday Item Package by Fexelitche

- Glass Bell by LoiccoiL

- 1 / 4 Spider Web by Grimland

- Fox Statue (Kitsune) by WitcherSilver

- Fancy Wooden Bed by Sinowrathx

- Magic Containing Hourglass by Luxludicium

- Oil Lamp Equipment by StandardCombo

- Tea Set by WhiskeyWeasel

- Fancy Wall Lamp by BlueClairey

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